Fabhalscéalta Aesóip
Fabhalscéalta Aesóip
ISBN: 1 85791 507 0
Cover: Paperback
Publisher: An Gúm

Fabhalscéalta Aesóip is a collection of eight of Aesop’s most popular fables. Due to the skill of the translator, Liam Mac Cóil, it reads as if it were originally written in Irish. The moral of each story is given as a proverb at the end, eg ‘Níl aon tinteán mar do thinteán féin’.

The language is straightforward but challenging and requires the reader to have a certain level of Irish. The wonderfully detailed illustrations by Nick Price and the glossary at the back will help the reader with comprehension difficulties.

Newly independent readers in scoileanna lán-Ghaeilge and in scoileanna Gaeltachta will enjoy reading this book themselves. It is a book to read aloud to the middle classes in the ordinary primary school. The speech bubbles that appear on almost every page require the listener to participate in the story. A valuable book for classrooms, libraries and children’s home bookshelves.