Súil le Breith
Súil le Breith
ISBN: 978-0-898332-70-4
Year published: 2012
Cover: Paperback
Publisher: Leabhar Breac

A controversial novel first published in 1983, and now back in print after an absence of 15 years.

Tom Connor is the parish priest on a Gaeltacht island, where he is actively fighting to support a community devastated by emigration and poverty. His housekeeper, Marion, who lives in the parochial house with him, tells him that she is pregnant with his child. Tom must decide between his duty to his parishioners, his love for Marion, and his belief in the priesthood. The resolution of his dilemma makes for dramatic and heartbreaking reading. Bob Quinn’s award-winning film Budawanny (1987) is based on this novel.

Pádraig Standún was born in Mayo in 1946. A well-known community activist, he is serving as parish priest in Carna, Co. Galway. He has written ten novels.

Úrscéal neamhchoitianta agus thar a bheith macánta atá sa leabhar seo a thugann faoi cheisteanna a bhaineas le gairm na sagartóireachta agus le hionad an tsagairt sa phobal ar bhealach a théas go smior na ceiste go minic. Ó tharla gur sagart an t-údar agus nach dtéann sé ar chúla téarmaí lena scéal a chur i láthair, ní hiontas ar bith é go raibh an leabhar go mór i mbéal an phobail nuair a foilsíodh é. — Raidió na Gaeltachta

Reveals illness of Gaeltacht. - The Irish Press

Gaeltacht’s answer to the Thorn Birds. - The Sunday Tribune

Scéalaí ó dhúchas is ea an Standúnach. - The Irish Times

Trua gan tuilleadh dá shaghas sa teanga. - Connacht Tribune

Oh, Father, what a book! - Sunday Tribune

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