Saol faoi Shráid - An Giotár Nua
Saol faoi Shráid - An Giotár Nua
ISBN: 9780993246500
Cover: Paperback

Big book format

This is the big book format (approximately A3 size) of this publication which is suitable for teachers and childcare workers in creches and preschool settings. The books is also available in a smaller format, see the ‘other formats’ box on this page.

Book based on the popular new series Saol faoi Shráid on Cúla4, TG4.

This is a fun and heartwarming story about friendship by the creators of Saol faoi Shráid, Patricia Forde, Kevin O’Boyle and Meangadh Fíbín.

An Giotár Nua

Gliblín loves to play the guitar but he has one big problem... he doesn’t have a guitar. His brother Ribín decides to fashion a guitar for his brother from bits and pieces he finds lying around, but it’s a secret. His friends Dris and Rocco help him. Gliblín can’t figure out why nobody has time to play with him but he has a big surprise in store.

Published with assistance from COGG.