Gaeilge gan Stró! Beginners Level (Book)
Gaeilge gan Stró! – Beginners Level is a multimedia language course for adult learners of Irish. It’s suitable for those who know no Irish or who only know a few basic sentences.The emphasis is on developing speaking and listening skills but students are also given opportunities to read and write the language. Grammar is taught in context, as it’s required.
The course consists of a book and +100 downloadable audio files which are closely linked to the book. An online version of the course is available on Gaelchultúr’s e-learning website, The book and audio files can be used independently of the online version of the course.
Gaeilge gan Stró! – Beginners Level aims to help those who undertake the course to:
• understand familiar everyday expressions and very basic phrases;
• introduce themselves and others, and can ask and answer questions about personal details (e.g. background, where they live, family);
• interact in a simple way provided the other person talks slowly and clearly and is prepared to help;
• learn vocabulary relating to everyday topics;
• gain an understanding of some of the basic aspects of Irish grammar.
A sample unit of the course is available here:
Gaeilge gan Stró! – Beginners Level is a multimedia language course for adult learners of Irish. It’s aimed at those who have not previously studied Irish or who only know a few words of the language. The course is intended for learners working by themselves and seeks to give them the confidence and language skills necessary to communicate in Irish in everyday situations. The emphasis is on developing speaking and listening skills but learners are also given some opportunities to read and write the language. Grammar is taught in context, as it’s required.
Gaeilge gan Stró! Beginners Level (Online Course - 3 months)
Gaeilge gan Stró! – Beginners Level aims to help the learner who undertakes the course to:
• understand and use familiar everyday expressions and basic phrases
• introduce himself/herself and others and ask and answer questions about everyday life and personal details such as where he/she lives, people he/she knows and things he/she has interact in a simple way in social settings with speakers of Irish
• learn core vocabulary
• gain a basic understanding of various aspects of grammar.
QuickGuide™ Irish Grammar is an easy-to-use resource which focuses on the main aspects of the grammar of the language. The unique design and colour scheme enable the user to find information quickly, and the jargon-free explanations make this an indispensable tool for both regular users of Irish and learners of the language.
Grammatical explanations are in English and a translation is given of all the Irish language examples, making this QuickGuide™ accessible to learners at all levels of competency. The focus is on everyday language and on useful words and phrases which can be used in both written and spoken Irish. QuickGuide™ Irish Grammar is suitable for post-primary and third-level students, teachers and adult learners of Irish.
A course with interactive exercises based on this QuickGuide™ is available at